
Monday, August 16, 2010

24 Weeks.

Tomorrow.  Seriously?  How on earth did we get to 24 weeks in this pregnancy already?  Nothing new or exciting to report really on that front.  Still just chugging along.  Talking to Lily about the new baby and how she can help and she has a pretty good list of things she can do with the new baby.  It's fun to ask her because you really don't realize how much a 2 year old can retain until you test it out.  Her list of things to do include:

Feed her a bottle
Change her diaper
Cover her up with a blankie
Bring her toys
Rock her to sleep
Give her hugs and kisses

Those are the ones Lily will list off for you.  I think she's pretty excited to have this new little person to help with.  We are really lucky right now in that she LOVES to help with everything and I really don't see having a baby sister any different.  Oh I'm not stupid, I'm sure there will be issues, but for the most part I'm sure we'll do just fine with the help of Miss Lily.  She's got this thing all figured out.

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